T-bone accident happening along the road.

    Were you severely injured in a T-bone accident caused by another driver’s negligence? These dangerous collisions are common throughout Peoria and other busy parts of greater Phoenix. Many result in extensive injuries and life-changing consequences.

    Fortunately, you could be entitled to compensation for your losses if another motorist was at fault for the wreck. The dedicated car accident attorneys of Mushkatel, Robbins & Becker, PLLC can help you hold negligent drivers accountable and demand the money you are owed. Contact us today for a free initial case review to learn more about recovering the compensation and justice you deserve.

    What Is a T-Bone Accident?

    A T-bone or side-impact accident occurs when the front end of one vehicle collides with the side of another vehicle.

    T-bone accidents can happen in any location with vehicular traffic, but they’re most common in the following areas:

    • Intersections with three- or four-way stop signs
    • Intersections with traffic lights
    • Unmarked intersections
    • Roundabout intersections
    • Highway merge zones

    What Are the Most Common Causes of a T-Bone Accident?

    Some of the most common causes of T-bone accidents in Peoria include:

    • Distracted driving – When drivers are absorbed in text messages or other distractions, they may fail to slow down or stop in time to avoid a collision.
    • Driving under the influence – Drivers who are intoxicated are more likely to travel through intersections and collide with motorists who have the right of way.
    • Driver fatigue – The effects of fatigue are similar to the effects of intoxication. A dangerously fatigued driver can cause a T-bone wreck if they fall asleep behind the wheel or have delayed reaction times.
    • Reckless driving – Reckless drivers who speed or tailgate do not always leave themselves enough room to slow down to avoid T-bone crashes.
    • Driver error – Common errors such as failure to signal intent, failure to monitor blind spots, and failure to yield can easily result in devastating T-bone impacts.
    • Defective car parts – The failure of parts like brakes or tires can contribute to loss of driver control and result in T-bone car collisions.
    • Poor road conditions – Large potholes, inadequate drainage, or missing road signs can also contribute to loss of control and subsequent T-bone wrecks.

    What Are the Most Common Injuries from a T-Bone Crash?

    T-Bone accidents can result in severe and life-changing injuries, particularly for the occupants of the vehicle struck on its side, as they do not benefit from its force-reducing crumple zone. Additionally, many vehicles lack safety features that protect occupants involved in these types of collisions.

    Common injuries suffered in T-bone accidents include:

    • Head injuries and traumatic brain injuries
    • Facial injuries and dental trauma
    • Scarring and permanent disfigurement
    • Neck, back, and spinal cord injuries
    • Partial or total paralysis
    • Shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, and hand injuries
    • Dislocated or broken bones
    • Traumatic amputation and loss of limb
    • Bruises, burns, lacerations, and puncture wounds
    • Abdominal injuries and internal bleeding
    • Hip, leg, knee, ankle, and foot injuries
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    • Other psychological and emotional injuries

    T-bone accident scene on the road

    What Should I Do After a Peoria T-Bone Wreck?

    If you’ve been hurt in a T-bone wreck in Peoria, you can protect your rights and lay a strong foundation for your injury claim by:

    • Seeking prompt medical attention to have your crash injuries diagnosed, treated, and added to your official medical records
    • Following your doctor’s care plan and attending follow-up appointments, physical therapy, etc
    • Gathering evidence from the accident scene, including photos, contact (phone number, etc) and insurance company information from the other driver, and statements from eyewitnesses
    • Keeping track of medical bills, bank records, pay stubs, repair estimates, and other documentation of your accident-related financial losses
    • Creating a pain journal to record regular observations about your pain levels and how the injuries impact your daily life
    • Watching what you say to the other driver, the insurance company, and any third parties after the accident, since anything you say may be used against you
    • Refraining from posting or sharing on social media while your case is pending
    • Contacting a knowledgeable Peoria car accident attorney for legal guidance

    How Is Fault Determined in a Peoria T-Bone Accident?

    Determining who is at fault for a T-bone wreck can be a complicated process. It’s common to assume that the motorist who drove into the side of the other vehicle is automatically at fault, but this is not always true.

    Before investigators can determine who was at fault, they must examine which driver had the lawful right of way when the crash occurred. When T-bone accidents happen, it’s nearly always because one driver had the right of way and the other driver failed to yield to it.

    When investigators look into which driver had the right of way, they often review multiple types of evidence from the crash scene. This can include photos, video footage, witness statements, and expert testimony.

    How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

    If you can’t obtain the compensation you are owed through an insurance claim, you may need to file a personal injury lawsuit against the other driver. If you can demonstrate that the other driver was responsible, a judge may order them to compensate you for the full value of your crash-related losses.

    However, the amount of time you have in which to file a lawsuit is limited under state law. Arizona’s statute of limitations for personal injury claims gives you just two years from the date of the accident to sue. If you don’t file your lawsuit within this window, the court can dismiss your lawsuit, which would effectively eliminate your ability to seek compensation.

    This is why it’s always a good idea to begin working with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney as soon after an accident as possible. A lawyer can help you prepare your case for trial from day one even as they negotiate with insurers. They can also avoid common errors that could cost you money.

    Contact a T-Bone Car Accident Lawyer in Peoria Today

    If you were injured in a T-bone accident in Peoria, let the trusted legal team at Mushkatel, Robbins & Becker, PLLC stand up for you. We can handle every aspect of your claim while you focus on your health and getting your life back on track. Contact us today to discuss the details of your case in a free initial consultation.