Woman suffering whiplash from a rear end collision.

    Recently, rear-end accidents accounted for 43 percent of all multi-vehicle crashes in Arizona, according to the Arizona Department of Transportation. This includes 63 fatal crashes and 13,491 crashes in which someone was injured, which shows the severe toll rear-end crashes take on drivers in Peoria and throughout Arizona.

    In addition to the physical injuries caused by these crashes, financial losses for accident victims are often severe. The costs of medical treatment, lost wages, and other expenses can be extensive.

    The Peoria, AZ rear-end and automotive accident lawyers at Mushkatel, Robbins & Becker, PLLC, can help you pursue fair compensation for your injuries after a crash. Our Arizona car accident attorneys have more than 50 years of combined experience handling personal injury claims in Peoria and across Arizona. We’ve received wide recognition for providing exceptional legal services.

    You can get a free initial consultation with one of our lawyers by calling any of our three Arizona offices or filling out our contact form on the website

    What Are Common Types of Rear-End Collisions in Peoria, AZ?

    Here are a few of the most common causes of rear-end accidents:

    • Drivers following too closely Tailgating is one of the most common causes of rear-enders. Drivers who follow too closely don’t have the time or space to react safely if the vehicle in front of them suddenly stops or slows down, making a rear-end crash much more likely.
    • Distracted driving accidents Drivers talking on the phone, sending, or reading a text message, paying too much attention to their music, eating or drinking, or otherwise distracted cannot respond to emergencies, such as a driver in front of them stopping. They may not even recognize a hazard in their path until a crash has already occurred.
    • Impaired driving accidents Drivers who abuse alcohol, illegal drugs, or certain prescription medications have dulled reflexes, impaired judgment, and delayed reaction times. This makes it difficult for impaired drivers to properly evaluate and navigate the environment around them, often leading to a rear-end accident.
    • Weather-related accidents – Rain, snow, ice, and other precipitation on the roads increase the time and space required for vehicles to stop safely. Fog and smoke can reduce visibility. Drivers who don’t take proper precautions in adverse weather may end up causing a rear-end collision.
    • Speeding At high speeds, drivers have much less time and room to maneuver on the roads, especially in the event of a sudden emergency. This makes a rear-end accident much more likely.
    • Driver fatigue – Drivers who get behind the vehicle without adequate rest experience many of the same effects as driving while intoxicated, such as increased reaction times, impaired judgment, and diminished reflexes. These factors all make an accident more likely.
    • Mechanical defects – Issues with the mechanical components, especially with critical systems like the brakes or steering, can contribute to a rear-end collision. Worn tire treads and overloaded vehicles also pose dangers.

    What Are Common Injuries Experienced in Rear-End Collisions?

    Rear-end collisions can cause serious injuries even at relatively low speeds. It’s essential to get a thorough medical exam after any collision. Some of the most common injuries from rear-end crashes include:

    • Whiplash – Even at low speeds, the force from a motor vehicle rear-end collision can cause your head and neck to snap forward before violently jerking back. This motion often resembles what happens when someone cracks a whip, hence the term “whiplash.” The strain on your neck, shoulders and upper back can cause intense pain as well as limit your ability to turn and move your head and neck.
    • Spinal cord injuries – Getting rear-ended puts a lot of force and strain on your back, which can damage your spinal cord. The discs that support your spinal cord may be damaged or burst. The spinal cord itself might suffer damage. Any injuries to your spinal cord are concerning, as they can lead to permanent loss of mobility and certain bodily functions.
    • Facial injuries, including disfigurement – The force from a motor vehicle rear-end collision can send your body flying forward, leading you to hit your head and face on an airbag, the steering wheel, the dashboard, the windshield, or other hard surfaces.
    • Head injuries and traumatic brain injuries – A hard blow to the head in a rear-end accident can cause external and internal damage. While external head injuries can be painful, internal injuries to the brain are often more worrisome. Violent forces in a rear-ender can cause brain damage even if your head never contacts a hard surface. Inertia can make the brain slam into the skull when the head jerks forward and backward. Brain damage is often permanent and can affect your life in many different ways.
    • Cuts, bruises, and broken bones These injuries are fairly common in all car accidents, and rear-end collisions are no exception.

    Two car accident, they'll need a car accident lawyer.

    Who Is At Fault in a Peoria Rear-End Collision?

    Drivers are required by law to remain a safe distance behind the vehicles in front of them to minimize the chance of a rear-end collision. This means that, in most cases, the driver who rear-ended the other car is liable for any injuries in the crash.

    However, there are some circumstances in which the driver in front or another party can be held liable for a rear-end accident. Some examples include:

    • Cases where the driver in front stops suddenly for no reason or “brake checks” a vehicle behind them;
    • Accidents caused by a mechanical defect in either vehicle;
    • Crashes caused as a result of the lead vehicle’s brake lights not working; and
    • Instances where the lead vehicle is driving slowly due to a flat tire or another issue but does not pull over or turn on the hazard lights

    If you have any questions about who’s at fault for your injuries in a rear-end collision, an Arizona car accident lawyer can answer them.

    Why Do You Need a Peoria Rear-End Collision Attorney?

    Proving fault in a rear-end collision can be difficult. A car accident attorney can investigate the accident to determine who’s liable for your injuries, then help you file a claim.

    Your lawyer can help maximize the value of your claim by calculating the full extent of your losses and by searching out every potential source of compensation.

    If the parties can’t resolve the case out of court, your attorney can bring your claim to trial and fight for you in front of a judge and jury.

    Get Help From a Rear-End Collision Lawyer in Peoria, AZ

    The Peoria rear-end accident lawyers at Mushkatel, Robbins & Becker, PLLC, are ready to get to work on your case. Learn more by calling our office, visiting our contact page, or speaking to us on live chat. We’ll listen to you and help you determine the best way forward.