I have been in a collision and I am overwhelmed ─ what do I do?

    It is natural to feel overwhelmed after an accident. The best steps to take after a crash are to remain calm, try to move to a safe place, and stop your vehicle. After doing that, you should:

    • Call the police: It is important to report the car accident to the police. A police report may indicate who was liable for the crash and will document evidence for your claim.
    • Take pictures: Photos of the crash can also document how the accident happened. You should also take pictures of the injuries, as these can provide valuable evidence, too.
    • Exchange information: The information you should exchange with any other driver involved includes: names, contact information, insurance information, and driver’s license numbers. Also, get contact information for anyone who witnessed the crash.
    • Seek medical attention: Your health is the most important priority after an accident. It is important to be examined by a doctor as soon as possible to ensure you receive proper treatment and your injuries are documented.

    Lastly, speak to a car accident lawyer as soon as possible after a crash. A lawyer will take care of your entire case and ensure your rights are protected.